Sunday, February 23, 2014

2015 and The Road to 30 (cont.)

I have mixed feelings about new year's resolutions since many do not complete them, but I do believe evaluations and goal setting is important.  The start of a new year is a natural time to do so since there are the celebrations and the calendar change.

This year I have a few goals:

  • Stop my yo-yo weight journey.  I have worked on my weight and fitness levels since junior year of high school  I have had some successes, some plateaus and then gradual gains back and forth.  Now that I am a Dad, I really need to get motivated and make this a priority in my house.  I need to do it for myself, for my wife and for my son.  My goal is to achieve a lean body mass 10-12% body fat which most likely will put me at around 200 lbs.
  • Train and participate in two U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary areas:
    1. AUXCOM Specialty Training Ribbon
    2. Vessel Examiner Examiner Program Ribbon

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Parenthood & The Road to 30

I have nothing mind-blowing to share on parenthood, but I am now a member of the club.  Liam, a 7 lb 19 inch boy joined us late January.

With parenthood comes a greater motivation on my personal health.  True it first has to come from within and this has been something I have been working on, but being a new Dad makes the stakes even higher.

While I have a short bucket list, more and more people are creating a 29 list.  That is that the year before they turn 30 there are items one wants to complete.  This sounded like a good idea to me and this April I will be posting one of my own.