Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Juice Fast

First day of my juice fast.  Originally I had a progression of goals to do a week, then two weeks and then a month; all with the assumption that the previous time period was without too much complication.  I have ratified those goals to simply do a week reboot.  Maybe I'll change again, but probably not.  At the end of the week I will be switching to a slow-carb/paleo approach.

Likewise I have been experimenting with fiber supplements.  Konsyl powder was the first one I tried.  While I feel it works to a point, I never thought it was great.  The taste is not bad, but I did not enjoy it, this can make it hard to drink.  So now I am trying organic chia seed.  I am not sure if organic matters, but the price was not ridiculous, so good quality is always a good thing.  Chia seed has an oatmeal like flavor and quasi-oatmeal like texture, which I find pleasant.  The end results I find improved over the konsyl as well.

*The juice fast and reboot idea came from the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (available on Netflix streaming).  Not necessarily a revolutionary movie it terms of new knowledge, but definitely a great case study on the benefits of increased consumption of fresh produce.  Also, a very excellent success story towards the end of someone who changed their life due to the movie.

**Slow-carb and paleo come from a variety of sources that I have read and watched; some of these medias include: Tim Ferriss' book the 4 Hour Body, the documentary Fathead, Cross Fit, Mark's Daily Apple and a few others.

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