I found a updated version of the paleo diet. Well, technically it does not have to be in the spirit of paleo, but since I believe in keeping food sources as natural as possible ie local, organic, pasture, grassfed etc, I prefer the paleo spin on keto(genic).
In other words, paleo emphasizes food sources as much as food type. Whereas keto emphasizes just food type.
I try not to be preaching or even draw attention to eating keto. Diet is like any other taboo thing out there, where common table manners tell us not to share unless specifically asked about it. But I will say it is hard not to, especially if you go out to eat. If someone wants to go to the new noodle place, not a lot of options for the keto diet there.
Atkins and South Beach are poplar versions of the keto diet. I attempted these diets with little luck however. There are subtle differences to following just a keto diet rather than following a branded version of one.
Atkins diet is a phase diet, where the first phase (or induction phase) is very similar to just following a keto diet. The main difference is that the other various phases gradually increase carbs, where keto tends to promote 100 grams of carbs/day or even less. Atkins also emphasis a low fat protein approach. Keto actually encourages fat over protein.
South Beach is oftentimes compared to Atkins and then of course keto. Although South Beach truly is neither. South Beach has phases just like Atkins, where the first phase is essentially keto. After that, various carbs are allowed and increased over time, especially if they are complex or have a low glycemic impact. However South Beach does not promote itself as low carb, so it really is not keto at all.
Keto is essentially no carb or at least no food that is just a carb. Traditionally people think of carbs as breads, flours and pastas, so none of those area allowed. Fruit is barely allowed either, since they are high in sugar. Keto emphasis fat first, then protein and finally vegetables that are not starchy/carb loaded.
The video below is Dr. Eric Westman of Duke University who does a great job at explain and illustrating the keto diet.